Jim Schubert

is the CEO of Southern States Insurance, one of Georgia's largest independent insurance agencies. He is a nationally recognized author and podcast guest contributor appearing in Insurance Journal, Independent Agent Magazine, Insurance Business America Magazine, Best's Review, and Applied Systems.

Jim is a passionate advocate for small business owners, entrepreneurs, and independent insurance agents. He loves sharing ideas about agency growth, digital marketing, and the lost art of human interaction.

Jim is also the creator of Agents Growth Academy, an online resource for insurance agents and agency owners who want to take their growth to the next level. And when he needs to take a clarity break, he is either behind a camera lens in the great outdoors or teaching aspiring shutterbugs how to take beautiful nature photography at Schubert Photography.

These Tools Help Remote Insurance Agents Make More Money

On this episode of Agents Growth Academy, host Jim Schubert shares how he used collaboration tools, a CRM, and a content strategy to increase production and close more sales. He outlines the names of some of the best tools out there and provides a free resource to help you get started. By the end of this episode, you'll have the knowledge you need to boost your sales and make more money!
Remote agents MUST have means to consistently develop relationships without going out.

3 Key Takeaways

  • Drive leads with a content strategy. This episode will provide several examples of agents with the best content. 
  • ​Utilize a CRM software to communicate with clients and prospects on and off of the clock, especially if you are a remote agent. 
  • It’s especially important for remote agents to implement ways to hold themselves accountable. This is best created in the form of a team leaderboard. 

Listen To The Full Episode Below


Episode Show Notes

[00:00:00] - Having the right tools can make or break your agency’s growth. Jim shares some of the best tools agents can use to close more sales and make more money.

[00:03:04] - ePayPolicy is hands down the fastest way to collect premium payments faster.

[00:04:11] - A CRM or customer relationship management software can be used to communicate with your clients more efficiently and effectively. It can be everything from sending existing clients newsletters or videos to taking new business opportunities.

[00:06:29] - A content strategy to develop relationships and drive leads is critical. Provide value first before you ask for anything in return. Hold yourself accountable using the methods Jim provides. If your agency doesn't have a leaderboard, talk to your senior leadership team.


Agents Growth Academy Partners

Created by insurance experts for the insurance industry, ePayPolicy provides the simplest solution for insurance agents, carriers, brokers, MGAs, and premium finance companies to collect credit card and ACH payments.
Your Marble Box service team are trained insurance professionals. That means they do more than schedule meetings, manage inboxes, and send auto-responders to incoming emails. They can literally do ANY process you need between customer interactions, so you can serve your customers better.

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